Randolph Township Schools offers comprehensive health services districtwide. At least one full-time nurse is assigned to each school building during the school day. By state law, the nurse can only administer first aid and follow writtendoctor’s orders. In case of a serious accident, parents will be notified immediately. If it is necessary for the child to go home, parents must make provisions to pick up the student. The nurse is not permitted to transportstudents.
Physical examinations conducted by a healthcare provider chosen by the student's parent/guardian at the provider's facility are required upon entry into the school district and prior to participation on high school athletic teams. A full report of the examination (documented on an approved school district form, dated and signed by the medical provider) must be presented to the school. In order to ensure that the learning potential of each student is not diminished by a physical disability, additional physical examinations are strongly encouraged at least once during each of the student's developmental stages: early childhood (preschool through grade 3), pre-adolescence (grades 4 through 6) and adolescence (grades 7 through 12). Vision screening is done by the school nurse in grades Pre-K, K, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, for new students, and as needed. Auditory screenings are conducted on students pursuant to state regulations. By state law, every child ten years of age and older must be examined biennially forscoliosis.
Students requiring medication at school, including such things as acetaminophen and cough drops, must present written orders from the nurse practitioner or physician and the parent detailing the name of the medication, dosage, time of administration and period of time over which medication is to be given. The medication must be brought to school by the parent/guardian in the original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy.
Our Nurses
Mary Sharon Lopez
Center Grove, Lead Nurse
973-361-0808 ext. 1206
Jennifer Cutri
Fernbrook, Nurse
973-361-0808 ext. 2206
Marie Chodorowski
Ironia, Nurse
973-361-0808 ext. 3206
Maureen Delanoy
Shongum, Nurse
973-361-0808 ext. 4206
Vicky Poisseroux
Middle School, Nurse
973-361-0808 ext. 5206
Fax: 833-439-6379
Karen Ivin
Middle School, Nurse
973-361-0808 ext. 5232
Fax: 833-439-6379
Dorothy Incledon Carlson
High School, Nurse
973-361-0808 ext. 6509
Kelly Weinert
High School, Nurse
973-361-0808 ext. 6563
Melissa Wardrope
High School, Nurse
973-361-0808 ext. 6510
Health Concerns
- COVID-19
- Communicable Illness
- Seasonal Influenza
- Head Lice
- Tobacco Use/Vaping
- Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
Communicable Illness
In order to prevent the spread of communicable illness, please refrain from sending your student to school if one of the followingsymptoms arepresent:
- A fever greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit within the last 24 hours
- Acute diarrhea or vomitingwithin a period of 24 hours
- Red eyes with discharge
- Severe coughing or respiratory difficulty
- Infected, untreated skin lesions
- Yellow eyes or Jaundiced skin
- Skin rash accompanied by fever.
Consult your private medical doctor when any of the above conditions exist, or whenin doubt about sending your student to school. Please see the PDF file below for information on how Randolph Schools handles the incidence of communicable illness.
Guidelines for Handling Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases in School
Seasonal Influenza
The seasonal influenza vaccine is the best and safest protection available against influenza.In addition to obtaining influenza vaccination, help protectyourself and others frominfluenza (and any other illness),by engaging in the following behaviors:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds
- Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, nose or any mucous membrane with unwashed hands
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
- Use good respiratory hygiene - cough and sneeze into a tissue or elbow
- Properly dispose of used tissues
- Follow Randolph School district policy for illnesses.
- Stay home when sick and call your healthcare provider.
For more information on the seasonal influenza, as well as other school health issues, please reference:
Head Lice
Current best practices regarding the identification, treatment, and exclusion of students who present with head lice is reflected by the district's revised procedure. Please review the flowchart and steps of the procedure.
Incidence Procedure
Procedural Flowchart
Tobacco Use/Vaping
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
District Health Forms
- Anaphylaxis Packet
- Universal Child Health Record
- Asthma Action Plan
Anaphylaxis Packet
This packet needs to be completed by the parent/guardian and physician each school yearand kept on file in the nurse's officefor any student with a life-threatening anaphylactic allergy requiring the possible use of an EpiPen or Auvi-Q.
Anaphylaxis Form
Universal Child Health Record
Universal Child Health Record
This form is kept on file in the nurse's office each school year for any medications that need to be taken while at school or during a field trip or school-sponsored event/activity. This form is also required for any over-the-counter medications that you would like your child to have access to during the school day or during a field trip or school-sponsored event/activity, such as Advil or Tylenol.
Medication Parent Authorization
This form is kept on file in the nurse's office each school year for any life-saving medications that need to be self-administered while at school or during a field trip or school-sponsored event/activity for asthma or other potentially life-threatening illnesses, a life-threatening allergic reaction, or adrenal insufficiency. The form does notapply toAdvil, Tylenol, Tums, etc.
Self-Administering Medication
Asthma Action Plan
This packet needs to be completed by the parent/guardian and physician each school year and kept on file in the nurse's office for any student with asthma.
Asthma Action Plan
Randolph High School Information & Forms
- Physical Education Department Policy Regarding Medically Excused Students
- Diabetes Health Care Form
- Migraine Health Care Form
- Seizure Health Care Form
- Sports Physical Form
- Driver's Education Vision Screening
Physical Education Department Policy Regarding Medically Excused Students
Diabetes Health Care Form
This form is completed by the parent/guardian and the physician for any student with diabetes.It needs to be updated each school year and is kept on file in the nurse's office.
Diabetes Health Care Plan
Migraine Health Care Form
This form is completed by the parent/guardian and the physician for any student with migraine headaches.It needs to be updated each school year and is kept on file in the nurse's office.
Migraine Health Care Plan
Seizure Health Care Form
This form is completed each school year by the parent/guardianand the physician for any student with a history of convulsive disorders and is kept on file in the nurse's office.
Seizure Health Care Form
Sports Physical Form
This updated sports physical packet needs to be completed once per year for student athletes.Please complete the first 3 pages and take the entire packet to your healthcare provider.They will complete pages 4 and 5.You need to submit the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Medical Eligibility Form to the Randolph High SchoolNurse's Office.
Sports Physical Form
Driver's Education Vision Screening
The nurse's office can complete therequired vision screening for a Driver's Education application.